
Assorted pictures of an attorney speaking with a clients and speaking at court deposing a witness Also a picture of  a secretary on the phone

At JH& Associates we'll make it a fare fight.

You have been injured on the job. First, get the best medical care that you need, then call JH & Associates 1800-994-2204 and we’ll handle the rest. The claims process can be daunting and complicated to the uninitiated to say the least. But here at JH & Associates we will handle all the paperwork involved with your claim so you don't have too. One call solves it all! So call JH & Associates when you have been injured at work.


Never talk to a company's attorney, never say anything after you've been injured, you may be giving your rights away and not realize it. That's why it's important to have your own representation, someone in your corner.  JH & Associates will stand up for you against the corporate lawyers and will make it a fair fight.

Normally, a case requires two (2) to three (3) hearings, separated by two (2) months.

lawyer in court room If you do not receive a Notice of Compensation Payable within 21 days, the claim has been denied.  In order to receive wage loss and medical benefits, a Claim Petition must be filed with the Bureau in Harrisburg.


After the claim is filed, it is assigned to a local Workers’ Compensation Judge who schedules hearings.  At hearing, the employee testifies and offers medical evidence in support of the claim.  The defense Attorney offers evidence against the claim.  Medical evidence of both sides is usually offered by a doctor testifying at a deposition.  Medical records may also be offered.  Normally, a case requires two (2) to three (3) hearings, separated by two (2) months.  Rules of evidence apply to all hearings and testimony is given under oath.


Ultimately, the Judge will write an Opinion and Order approving or denying the claim.  Wage loss benefits are paid for weeks of work missed and medical bills are ordered paid.


Within 20 days, either side may appeal the Judge’s Opinion to the Workers’ Compensation Appeal Board.  Issues of law are argued before the Board.  Further appeal may be taken to      Commonwealth Court.

144 North Main Street Washington, PA 15301 Ph.724.222.7363