
Assorted pictures of an attorney speaking with a clients and speaking at court deposing a witness Also a picture of  a secretary on the phone

You worked long and hard at your job and now you have a occupational disease!

Because of no fault of your own, you have

contracted a permanent illness, disease,

or hearing loss.

Maybe you worked in an area without the right safety gear, exposure to chemicals, or  handled materials at your place of employment that have now made you ill.  You were just doing your job trying to provide for your family…now suffering an injury or permanent illness as a result is just unfair.

Call JH & Associates and we will make it right!


A doctor is always necessary in this type of claim. Call us to discuss the evidence required to win this type of case. An occupational disease claim must be filed within 300 weeks of the last exposure to the hazardous material.  These cases usually involve serious or life threatening injury.  Always discuss the cause of your medical condition with your doctor.  If an occupational disease is suspected, contact JH & Associates at 1-800-994-2204.

144 North Main Street Washington, PA 15301 Ph.724.222.7363